
Geospatial Web Quest

  • Try the Geospatial Web Quest. This print-and-copy task helps students become familiar with the Geospatial Christchurch website functions. It also assists students with their inquiry skills, particularly information gathering and asking good questions. Students need to have an internet connection and their class login. Word (52k) | PDF (480k).

Geospatial Audio Activity

Interactive, self-marking activities

Designed to test students' understanding of content on the background pages.

  1. Where am I? - requires Flash
  2. Collecting geospatial data - surveying - requires Flash
  3. GPS and GIS - requires Flash
  4. Open data - New: Flash not needed
  5. Aerial imagery - New: Flash not needed
  6. New Zealand place names - New: Flash not needed
  7. Topographic maps - requires Flash
  8. Property information and subdivisions - requires Flash
  9. A new central city - requires Flash

Other activities

Curriculum Area Strand Background Pages Learning Outcome Activity

Social Studies
Level 3-5

Geography NCEA
Level 1-2

Place and Environment
Continuity and Change
Identity, Culture and Organisation

Spatial Analysis

  • Use map reading skills
  • Use google maps to answer questions about location
  • Develop awareness of how and when geospatial information is used
  • Read, model and use topographic maps
  • Apply geospatial information to solve problems
  • Analyse geospatial information
  • Show awareness of a variety of perspectives about land zoning decisions


  • The Language of Location - Word (284k) | PDF (213k)
  • Reading Maps and Using Geospatial Data - Word (1.7Mb) | PDF (402k)
  • Topographic Maps - Word (6Mb) | PDF (500k)
  • Debating the Issues - Word (31k) | PDF (200k)
  • Earthquake Geospatial Data - Word (39k) | PDF (181k)
  • Design Your Own Subdivision - Word (40k) | PDF (262k)
  • Research NZGB Place Name Changes In Your Region
    - Word (125k) | PDF (299k)


Curriculum Strand Background Pages Learning Outcomes Activity

Level 3-4

Level 5-6

Number and Algebra



  • Students will be able to apply number strategies and number knowledge to a range of problems related to their LEARNZ virtual field trip
  • Students will be able to apply laws of trignometry to a surveying context
  • Field Trip Number Challenge Word (31k) | PDF (125k)
  • Surveying Word (168k) | PDF (392k)

Geography Achievement Standard 1.8

Using Eagle Technology and ArcGIS Online you can evaluate the affect of the Canterbury earthquakes. Lesson Plan - PDF (454k). How to set up an ArcGIS account - PDF (181k).